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Welcome to ICU Educational Consulting, your partner in unlocking the full potential of your organization! Our comprehensive suite of services is designed to equip Head Start professionals with the knowledge, skills, and strategies necessary to excel in their roles and make a lasting impact in their communities. Here's a glimpse of what we offer:

Training and Technical Assistance for Head Start Professionals

Customized training programs tailored to the unique needs of Head Start professionals.


Expert guidance and support to enhance program effectiveness and compliance with Head Start regulations.


Hands-on technical assistance to address specific challenges and optimize operational efficiency.

Family and Community Engagement

Innovative strategies and tools to strengthen connections between Head Start programs, families, and the community.


Empowerment-focused approaches to foster meaningful engagement and collaboration.


Culturally responsive practices to honor the diversity and strengths of each family and community.

Keynote Speaking

Engaging and inspiring keynote presentations by industry experts.

Thought-provoking insights and actionable strategies to ignite positive change and drive success.

Topics include leadership, organizational culture, innovation, and more.

Motivational Speaking

Dynamic motivational speeches to energize and empower Head Start professionals.


Personalized messages tailored to inspire action, resilience, and growth.


Fuel your team's passion and commitment to making a difference.

Focus Area 1 and Focus Area 2 Review Preparation

Comprehensive support to prepare for Focus Area 1 and Focus Area 2 reviews.


Proven strategies to demonstrate compliance, excellence, and continuous improvement.


Ensure readiness and confidence in facing review processes.

Team Building

We work closely with you to understand your team's dynamics, goals, and challenges.


Our experienced facilitators design engaging and interactive team building activities tailored to your specific needs and objectives.


From icebreakers and trust-building exercises to problem-solving challenges and team bonding adventures, we create memorable experiences that strengthen relationships and foster a sense of unity.

Our Trainings

Our customized training programs are designed to meet the unique needs of Head Start professionals. We understand that each individual and organization has specific requirements, and we work closely with our clients to create a program that addresses their specific needs. Our goal is to provide comprehensive training that helps Head Start professionals excel in their roles and make a positive impact on the children and families serve.

SAUCE (Strategic Approach Uniting Communities and Empowering Families):

  • Holistic framework for family and community engagement, rooted in collaboration and empowerment.

  • Transformative strategies to build strong partnerships, promote equity, and maximize impact.

  • Unlock the full potential of your program through meaningful engagement with families and communities.


Playing with a Purpose:

  • Discover innovative strategies to integrate purposeful play into your daily routines.

  • Learn how to create engaging, educational activities that foster cognitive, social, and emotional growth in young children, making learning fun and meaningful.


How to be a 5-Star Teacher 5 Days a Week:

  • Elevate your teaching practices with actionable tips and techniques to maintain high standards every day.

  • This training will empower you to inspire, motivate, and engage your students consistently, ensuring excellence in your educational environment.


Intentional Teaching:

  • Explore the art of intentional teaching and learn how to plan and execute activities with clear objectives in mind.

  • This session will help you become more deliberate in your interactions, fostering a more structured and effective learning experience for your students.


Intentional Teaching:

  • Explore the art of intentional teaching and learn how to plan and execute activities with clear objectives in mind.

  • This session will help you become more deliberate in your interactions, fostering a more structured and effective learning experience for your students.


Nurturing Social-Emotional Development:

  • Gain insights into nurturing the social and emotional well-being of children.

  • This training will equip you with practical tools and strategies to support emotional regulation, build strong relationships, and create a positive classroom atmosphere conducive to learning and growth.


The ABC's of Family Child Care in Head Start:

  • Unlock the potential of the Family Child Care (FCC) option within the Head Start program through this comprehensive training. Designed for educators and caregivers, this session will cover the essentials:

    • Adaptability: Learn how to create flexible, home-based environments that cater to the unique needs of each child.

    • Best Practices: Discover proven strategies and best practices to ensure high-quality care and education in family child care settings.

    • Collaboration: Understand the importance of building strong partnerships with families, communities, and Head Start programs to enhance child development and learning outcomes.


Case Management (Includes Interviewing Skills):

  • Specialized training in case management principles and practices.

  • Enhance interviewing skills to effectively assess needs, provide support, and facilitate access to services.

  • Empower your team to deliver comprehensive, client-centered case management.


ERSEA (Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance) Is Everyone's Job:

  • Holistic approach to ERSEA compliance and best practices.

  • Training for staff at all levels to understand their roles and responsibilities in ERSEA.

  • Ensure integrity and equity in the enrollment process to serve every eligible child and family.


ChildPlus - PIR Training:

  • Expert guidance on utilizing the ChildPlus system for Program Information Report (PIR) submission.

  • Hands-on training to maximize efficiency, accuracy, and compliance.

  • Unlock the full potential of ChildPlus as a powerful tool for program management and reporting.


Shaliyah F.

Team Building

Looking to build a stronger team? We specialize in creating memorable experiences that foster unity and strengthen relationships. From icebreakers and trust-building exercises to problem-solving challenges and team bonding adventures, we have everything you need to take your to the next level. Let us help you create an experience for your team today.

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

  • Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful teamwork. Our team building programs focus on improving communication skills among team members.

  • Through structured activities and discussions, we help team members learn how to communicate more openly, listen actively, and express ideas and concerns effectively.

  • By fostering a culture of collaboration, we empower your team to work together seamlessly, share knowledge, and leverage each other's strengths to achieve common goals.


Building Trust and Cohesion

  • Trust is essential for a high-performing team. Our team building initiatives are designed to build trust among team members and strengthen bonds.

  • Through carefully crafted activities and exercises, we create opportunities for team members to demonstrate reliability, integrity, and mutual respect.

  • By fostering an environment of trust and psychological safety, we encourage collaboration, innovation, and risk-taking, leading to greater team cohesion and effectiveness.


Promoting Leadership and Accountability

  • Strong leadership is vital for guiding and motivating teams toward success. Our team building programs incorporate leadership development components to empower emerging leaders and enhance accountability.

  • Through experiential learning and reflection, we help team members develop leadership skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, delegation, and conflict resolution.

  • By fostering a culture of accountability, we encourage team members to take ownership of their actions, responsibilities, and contributions to the team's success.


Sustaining Team Engagement and Morale

  • Team building is not a one-time event but an ongoing process. Our programs are designed to sustain team engagement and morale over the long term.

  • We provide tools, resources, and strategies to help team leaders and members continue building strong relationships and fostering a positive team culture beyond the initial team building session.

  • By investing in team building initiatives, you demonstrate your commitment to creating a supportive and rewarding work environment where team members feel valued, motivated, and engaged.



At ICU Educational Consulting, we believe that strong teams are the foundation of successful organizations. Contact us today to learn more about how our team building programs can help your team thrive and achieve its full potential!

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